I mean you don't say
Stop telling me you don't say
I'm mean you don't say
Flirt a little bit
I say but I do not mean
Mean but do not say
All trees look alike
None is like the other though
Women in beachwear
A woman with bread
The crow needs her attention
Give us bread this day
People next to walls
The sudden rain surprised them
My sunny greetings
Just a little piss
My turn then your turn again
Stretching and yawning
The work is already done
Enjoying the sun
The perfect artwork
Just a trace of the artist
The perfect artist
When I move it moves
When it moves, I'm moving too
I like to move it
Going through the woods
The animal is hiding
Who is watching there
Just before sunrise
A laborer on the way
To work or to sleep
Always late for work
When is the time to feel free
Solid ground, light feet
So he looks at her
There is something you should know
Then she looks away
Reading the symbols
There is no meaning in them
Speaking in symbols
She's hot, I'm hot too
Passing beside each other
The first sliding step
Getting up early
Boiling water, washing stones
Well done, get some rest