The baka symbol
My artist, my artist, come
Hi Elisabeth

Peter IsaakComment

The blurred vision
Dem it, this is all my life
Can you see the star

Peter IsaakComment

Du congélateur
Un gros poisson sur le balcon
Très loin de la mer

Peter IsaakComment

Going for a smoke
A big fish on the balcony
A small one in bed

Peter IsaakComment

A bird collects twigs
Make a nest for your lover
Hidden spring flower

Peter IsaakComment

Mayor of nothing
Shaking hands with everyone
That's the president

Peter IsaakComment

The brush eats the form
Little by little and day by day
The form eats the sheet

Peter IsaakComment

My beloved Fin
Nao has been asking me
Oh no, never mind

Peter IsaakComment

I dreamed about you
I hope it was a good dream
You wanna tell me

Peter IsaakComment

Singing and laughing
Sorry can you repeat please
Un oignon mignon

Peter IsaakComment

Angry and two-faced
Strayed into a dark valley
Passive aggressive

Peter IsaakComment

Is it the right time
Actions prevail where words fail
Stay true to your course

Peter IsaakComment

This longing too long
My feelings for you too strong
I believe in you

Peter IsaakComment

Just before the dawn
Truly I said you are gods
Sunny summer sun

Peter IsaakComment

A cold winter day
Hot water in the morning
Promethean flame

Peter IsaakComment

A heater has Wi-Fi too
Lemons dissolve lime

Peter IsaakComment