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I’ve often reflected on the idea that language is a complex art, yet art itself is a simple language. In my quest to describe language elegantly, I found myself searching for a system to articulate my intuitive understanding of linguistics. This led me to conceptualize an underlying human linguistic ability, which I now refer to as "Uywi."
To give form to my ideas, I developed the symbols of Uywi—a script inspired by the shared characteristics of various languages and writing systems. Through its recursive structure, Uywi provides endless possibilities for expression. The challenge lies in navigating its fractal nature while balancing the subjective influence of one's own will.
Each symbol represents a unique idea, approached not as a mere concept tied to words, but as something alive and dynamic.
"I ask the symbols for their names, and they reveal themselves to me."
The sound of the word "Uywi" evokes the singing of the wind, the call of sirens, overtones, thunder, the rumble of a belly, or the sound of water pouring into a glass...
The Way To Sovereignty 250x180cm
50x60cm (sold)
Eyes and hands open
Undivided attention
Being responsive
Clearing all channels
Empty mind, empty belly
The passage is free
Not even blank sheets
Forms mean nothing anymore
Total emptiness
Innocent beings
Acting with integrity
Guided by the heart
The first rainy day
In a state of innocence
Watering the plants
It seemed just right then
Now I have to blame myself
I'm still a baby
Acting foolishly
Innocent but misguided
A simple mistake
(part of a set)
50x60cm (sold)
There's nowhere to go
Time for rest and nourishment
Waiting for a sign
Aha, yes, that's it
The kids break out in laughter
It was so easy
Starting to take shape
Suddenly realizing
Creative power
(part of a set)
(part of a set)
Close to a breakthrough
Accumulating tension
Signals in the sky
To the bursting point
Doing the right with resolve
Raising the alarm
Plastic on the trees
It's time for the room service
Breaking a habit
Corrupted results
Working on what has been spoiled
Closer to the truth
Exposing decay
Cleaning under the carpet
A jar filled with worms
(part of a set)
(part of a set)
Emerging daylight
The star approaches the plain
Achieving greatness
Putting hands to work
Valuable morning hours
The river is high
In disagreement
Inevitable conflict
Opposing beliefs
(part of a set)
(part of a set)
aSubjects of the king
The power of hierarchy
Commanding armies
Gathering support
Forces under your control
All units deployed
In union with you
No borders between our tongues
Holding together
(Not for sale)
(part of a set)
Trapped on a tree
The lesser guides the higher
Coming to a halt
Running in circles
Tied to the circumstances
Announcing a truce
Clouds hiding the sun
Gentlemen please ladies first
A revolving door
Keeping yourself back
The virtue of modesty
Your splendor is veiled
(part of a set)
(part of a set)
Arriving at home
The way back was a long trudge
You sink into bed
Active ingredients
Inciting unseen forces
Action reaction
Pulling the trigger
The moment of reaction
Conversion of mind
(part of a set)
50x60cm (sold)
In the beginning
Chicks breaking out of their eggs
Will they find the way
Not yet established
Meeting with difficulty
At the first hindrance
An empty promise
Following false ideals
Victim of deceit
Against all reason
Fumbling around in the dark
(part of a set)
(part of a set)
Seeing everyone
On top of the skyscraper
Seen by everyone
Coming to yourself
A place of contemplation
Observing the herd
Taking a step back
The grass must bow to the wind
The overseer
Searching for the past
Finding the lost episode
Connecting the dots
Victory or death
Viva la revolución
Point of no return
Standing up for change
Challenging the status quo
Nothing stays the same
Acting gracefully
Fiery purification
Unveiling beauty
(part of a set)
(part of a set)
Consistent technique
Acting methodically
Guaranteed success